Thursday, June 18, 2009

Work for WORLD HUNGER at Annual Conference

The membership of the WNCC came through with flying colors at the Annual Conference! 106,087 meals were packed for Stop Hunger Now and approximately $15000 in canned goods were delivered to the food banks and food pantries.

Approximately 450 volunteers helped to pack the food. After a slow start on Thursday afternoon, the youth representatives and their friends were present that night and "caught up" the count. The flow of volunteers through Friday was steady averaging 60-90 persons for each 2-hour session.

Canned goods were delivered to the Kern Center for collection (actually we found food scattered throughout Lake J). We filled up the Disaster Response Truck and waited until Friday afternoon for the Manna Food Bank truck from Asheville to pick up food. Using five volunteers, food was exchanged to the Manna Food Bank truck and it motored off for Asheville. Prior to Annual Conference, the Office of Mission/Outreach received calls from several churches that they had full pickup trucks with food. We instructed these trucks to go "straight to the food banks" rather than have the trucks bring food to LJ and then turn around and take it back. In addition, we received calls from churches with food pantry needs. After consideration, we sent some of the collected foods to these food pantries.

THANK YOU for your consideration and help in this matter!!!

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