Thursday, October 8, 2009

Church-to-Church Partnerships

Churches in many of our missions cannot afford to operate. Cost involved in paying for the pastor’s meager salaries and basic church needs in not available. Thus, one of the areas the Western North Carolina Conference is pushing is “Church-to-Church Partnerships.” Churches in the Western North Carolina Conference would agree to supply $100-200 per month towards the needs of the church overseas. The receiving mission would agree that a minimum of three (3) letters will be exchanged between the church receiving the support to the providing church (these letters would be translated through the Methodist Mission in the country and need to pass-through the mission. Beyond the funds, letters and prayers, the connection would be up to the individual churches.

Church Partnerships in SE Asia:
Cambodia – $200 a month would provide basic salary support for a pastor and basic needs for the church he/she pastors. It also provides opportunities for sharing short letters back and forth between the church memberships (through the mission interpretation services). There are 155 churches in Cambodia.

Many of these churches are house churches and do not have buildings. Pastors are looked upon by the membership of the churches for help in meeting medical needs or agricultural needs. The Community Health Agricultural Development (CHAD) committee of the Methodist Mission in Cambodia (MMC) is working side-by-side with these congregations to help membership meet their day-to-day needs and move away from Relief towards Development.

As a church in the Western North Carolina Conference builds a relationship with a church in Cambodia, it is possible to send team members to provide pastoral training, Vacation Bible School, and encouragement. It is also possible for a church in the conference to support the building of a structure in the country or meeting other needs, as demonstrated by the receiving church. Cost varies from $3,000-20,000 for building structures.

Vietnam – In the past seven years the Methodist Church in Cambodia has grown from underground groups meeting in small numbers to 120 churches. While not yet recognized, the government is fully aware of the work of the United Methodist Church in Vietnam. $100-200 a month would provide basic salary support for a pastor and the basic needs for the church he/she pastors. It also provides opportunities for sharing short letters back and forth between the church memberships (through the mission interpretation services).

Most churches are house churches. Emphasis has been placed on providing basic theological education for these pastors with help from seminaries in the Philippines and Singapore. The mission recently reached out (through our conference) to the mission in Cambodia to provide Christian Education resources.

As a church in the Western North Carolina Conference builds a relationship with a church in Vietnam, it is possible to send team members to provide pastoral training, Vacation Bible School, and encouragement. It is also possible for a church in the conference to support the building of a structure in the country, or meeting other needs, as demonstrated by the receiving church. Cost varies from $5-20,000 or more.

Laos – The Laotian church presently has 92 congregations meeting in homes in many provinces of the country. Not officially recognized by the government and not permitted to meet in large groups, the mission has worked to promote the education of pastors and to provide living skills for the membership (i.e. mushroom farming). $100-200 a month would provide basic salary support for a pastor and the basic needs for the church he/she pastors. Communication is more limited due to government controls.

As a church in the Western North Carolina Conference builds a relationship with a church in Laos, it is possible to send team members to provide pastoral training, Vacation Bible School, and encouragement. It is also possible for a church in the conference to support the building of a structure in the country, or meeting other needs, as demonstrated by the receiving church. Cost varies from $500-20,000 or more.

Church Partnerships in D.R. Congo:
The DRC is a war-torn country. The United Methodist Church has been active in the country for almost 100 years providing educational structures, hospitals and churches. These structures are still operating, though broken and battered. Many teachers are not getting their salaries in a timely manner and students are unable to afford school costs. Hospitals do not have electricity and basic items needed for medical care. Churches have been destroyed or operate without roofs and under tents.

As a church in the Western North Carolina Conference builds a relationship with a church in D.R. Congo, it is possible to send team members to provide pastoral training, Vacation Bible School, and encouragement. It is also possible for a church in the conference to support the building of a structure in the country, the rebuilding of a structure in war-torn areas, or meeting other needs, as demonstrated by the receiving church. Cost varies from $500-20,000 or more.

Partnerships may be available in additional countries. Contact Mike Collins for more information.

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